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TV commercials captioned
TV series' captioned
Movie titles captioned
Movie titles audio-described
What we do
Television captions
There are close to 4 million deaf and hearing impaired Australians who rely on captions to understand and enjoy television. From documentaries to action, kids programs to reality TV – nothing is off limits where captions are concerned. Both free to air TV and Pay TV follow government guidelines on the percentage of programs that must be captioned. Contact us for more information or to book in your next project.
TV commercial captions
It’s harder and harder to target your audience with commercials these days. Ensuring that your commercials are captioned means that you choose to direct your message to almost 4 million viewers who truly appreciate this inclusion. The TVC captioning process is quick, easy and highly effective. Research shows that 66% of caption viewers are more likely to buy products advertised with captions. The SubStation works with advertising agencies in Australia to deliver captions for their TVCs – call us for a quote.
Web captions/WCAG 2.0 compliance
You may not know it, but captioning your YouTube and other web video content is not only important but may fall under the WCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements. We have a wealth of experience in captioning web video, from providing captioned files for new clips, to captioning entire libraries of existing YouTube channels.
DVD & Blu-ray captions
Most DVDs and Blu-ray titles come with captions these days. Over time, distributors have realised the benefits of including captions not just to increase their market share, but to be seen as socially aware and inclusive. We work with a variety of distributors and authoring houses to facilitate the service. We can deliver in SD, HD, PAL and NTSC .
Cinema captions
Cinema is not immediately a medium you would think of when it comes to closed captions, but new technology has been developed which allows viewers to watch movies with or without captions during the movie. The SubStation is able to give you the advice and service you need at any stage of your production to ensure the process is effortless.
Audio description
Audio description (AD) is a narration track created for blind and vision impaired audiences which describes what is happening on screen during natural pauses in the dialogue. It guides the listener through the visual elements of the program, from describing scenery to facial reactions.
The SubStation are the leading provider of caption files for iTunes and Netflix in Australia. From creating files from scratch to conforming existing files – we can assist you in delivering the correct format, quickly and to spec to meet the providers’ deliverables.
We have access to hundreds of the best ‘in territory’ language subtitlers who have vast experience working with international film and TV studios and corporations. Some of the languages we’ve been translating to and from lately include Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian.
Creating an accurate transcript of your audio or video content can assist in many ways. Be it for editing, search or archive purposes, having a time-coded document can be a real timesaver.
We can add a transcript to your web video that enables the viewer to download this for future reference/study/interest. We can also create audio description transcripts for where the dialogue is wordy and there is no time to record a descriptive track.
File Sales
The SubStation has a vast archive of caption and audio description files. Please contact us regarding your requirements.
For more information on any of our services, please contact our office on +61 2 8065 2602 .
TVC captioning makes sense.
Statistics show that:
- 66% of caption viewers are more likely to buy products advertised with captions
- 53% make a special effort to look for products advertised with captions
- 35% will change brands and buy products advertised with captions over those that are not
There are close to 4 million deaf and hearing impaired Australians
who rely on the captions to make informed buying decisions and seek out your brand.
We’re here to make sure you reach them.
Featured Video
The SubStation loves to showcase companies that are captioning their TVCs and content. We couldn’t resist sharing the latest TVC from Budget Direct which was shot more like a feature film than a TVC. We have to congratulate the creatives that put this one together.
Don’t pay too much for your insurance.

Get in touch
Email: sales@thesubstation.com.au
Call: +61 2 8065 2602
Visit: 46 William Street, Avalon Beach NSW 2107 Australia
The SubStation acknowledges Australia’s First Nations Peoples
as the traditional owners and custodians of the land we call Australia,
including the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation,
who are the traditional custodians of this place we now call Sydney, where our headquarters resides.